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Construction Workers
General Contractors

A Complete View of All Your Subcontractors' Safety Activity


As a general contractor, you know that improved safety behavior supports improved quality and productivity which allows you to stay on schedule and within budget. Safety Assist allows you to create a multi-tiered safety reporting structure so that you are always aware of all contractors safety activity.  This feature is at no cost to the GC.


Safety Assist is a cloud-based application that can help you improve all three of these areas. It does this by providing a platform for managing safety data, tracking safety activity, and conducting safety assessments. Safety Assist also can be integrated with other platforms via a client specific API to create a single source of data.


In addition to the general benefits of Safety Assist, there are several specific benefits that can be realized by general contractors. These include:


  • Mitigate risk for your company by improving consistent safety behavior.

  • Improve safety profile - Owners are more likely to do business with contractors who have a good safety record.

  • Improved employee morale - Employees are more likely to work for contractors that value a safe worksite.

  • Compliance with safety regulations - Safety Assist can help you to ensure that you are following all applicable safety regulations.

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How Safety Assist Can Improve Safety

Safety Assist is designed to improve your safety performance. 

Safety Assist allows you to:

  • Track the required safety behavior of teams and individual workers

  • Identify trends in safety activity

  • Generate reports that can be used to identify and address root causes of safety problems

  • Provide insights into how to improve safety procedures

How Safety Assist Can Improve Quality

Safety Assist is designed to help identify and prevent quality defects. For example, Safety Assist can be used to:


  • Support the promotion of desired safety behavior of teams and individual workers by identify trends in quality defectiveness

  • Generate reports that can be used to identify and address root causes of quality problems

  • Give you a complete view at desired detail of all safety activity across all contractors

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How Safety Assist Can Improve Productivity

Safety Assist helps you improve your productivity by reducing the amount of time and resources that are spent on safety-related activities.

Safety Assist can be used to:


  • Automate the tracking of safety activity in near real time

  • Generate reports that can be used to identify and address root causes of safety problems

  • Provide insights into how to improve safety procedures


This will free up time for other priorities, such as completing projects on time and within budget.

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